You’re Under A Rest

It’s Time To Slow The Fuck Down

With Kate Wolfe

Resting and taking time for yourself seems impossible sometimes.

Kate would like to invite you to take a journey with her. It’s time to start slowing down, time to start a process of moving beyond all the layers of busyness. Please join her to practice the art of resting.

For 90 minutes take some time out of your busy life and practice the art of resting. Move slowly, softly and nourish yourself fully. Through this practice we calm the nervous system and operate more from our parasympathetic nervous system.

You will quieten the mind, rest, and as a result of this process experience the softening within that occurs. Your bodies come into balance and we build resilience to cope with the stresses life throws at us.

Kate will also be joining you for the weekend as your morning yoga teacher.


Kate Wolfe

Kate is a yoga teacher, birth doula, mother of four and founder of DOME ( and was previously an outdoor guide.

Kate is passionate about yoga, meditation, and providing holistic support to women and their whānau through pregnancy and birth and beyond. She has been studying and practising yoga for over 20 years, teaching for 10 years and am currently working as a Birth Doula and childbirth educator with Birthworks International. She loves rock climbing, tramping and snowboarding.

Her own yoga journey began following the teachings of Satyananda Yoga at the Anahata Retreat Centre in Golden Bay. In 2001, she completed a certificate in yoga studies at the Bihar School of Yoga. She lived in the Satyananda Ashram for 5 months with full immersion into the yogic lifestyle, before completing further training and retreats with Satyananda Yoga. She also received teacher’s training and mentorship with Susan Allen, one of New Zealand’s most experienced yoga teachers, as well as teaching at her studio, Yoga Ground Wānaka. She assists and teaches on Susan’s yoga and meditation retreats and has previously hosted resting workshops and taught the yoga at W.E.E treat.


Groundhog Day

